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~ Secret crush ~

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File: 1239829423330.jpg -(kimcheryl9ub.jpg, 33109 B, 338x549) Click thumbnail image for full size.
33109 Thumbnail of: kimcheryl9ub.jpg No.1549   [Reply]
5 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1665  
File: 1241908473458.jpg -(dayqq5.jpg, 176181 B, 507x391) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1666  

Typical tarts out on the tiles.

>> No.1673  

i love chim

File: 1220363350252.jpg -(pU1p3ehaPczjwfhaE0seL9jr 500.jpg, 221473 B, 443x700) Click thumbnail image for full size.
221473 Thumbnail of: pU1p3ehaPczjwfhaE0seL9jr 500.jpg No.635   [Reply]
10 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1100  
File: 1227466303090.jpg -(0 1ce2b 343ede9 XL.jpg, 59986 B, 539x540) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1518  
File: 1238446105965.jpg -(e6d715eb.jpg, 265766 B, 525x372) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1672  
File: 1241935843190.jpg -(lesheureusesrveclaustra.jpg, 75733 B, 514x676) Click thumbnail image for full size.

File: 1241410594119.jpg -(small.jpg, 146217 B, 300x450) Click thumbnail image for full size.
146217 Thumbnail of: small.jpg No.1580   [Reply]

I just found out about this dump from an anon L Chat forum poster. This place could be so much better. Why aren't there any sub-forums, for starters? Admin, you lazy bitch, get on it.

Pic unrelated.

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1662  

I thought it her twin sister the boss who died?

>> No.1668  

No, it was her identical cousin Patty who died. "The Boss" is just the Bitch's nickname for her vag.

>> No.1669  

Really? I heard it was "Hogwarts."

File: 1241892288598.jpg -(Boy George.jpg, 20717 B, 179x450) Click thumbnail image for full size.
20717 Thumbnail of: Boy George.jpg No.1653   [Reply]

Do you really want to hurt me?
Do really want to make me cry?

>> No.1656  

love u long time...

>> No.1658  
File: 1241904089970.jpg -(dnnnz Full-metal-jacket.jpg, 41807 B, 576x461) Click thumbnail image for full size.


>> No.1667  

I'll tumble 4 ya.

File: 1241865077736.jpg -(cheetos.jpg, 20333 B, 280x280) Click thumbnail image for full size.
20333 Thumbnail of: cheetos.jpg No.1632   [Reply]

Want a Cheeto?

2 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1638  

Cheese BALLS.- FR04's snack of choice.

>> No.1661  

cheetos never win ~

>> No.1663  
File: 1241906068825.jpg -(fugly.jpg, 19363 B, 320x240) Click thumbnail image for full size.

How many Cheetos do you think can fit in my mouth?

File: 1241534240851.jpg -(EUGENIE B GR 10.jpg, 100470 B, 600x830) Click thumbnail image for full size.
100470 Thumbnail of: EUGENIE B GR 10.jpg No.1584   [Reply]
7 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1647  

LOL. Those royals really are royally fucked up looking.

Who's Zorro in the background? Hot.

>> No.1657  

So what's the deal with that royal fatty? Dyke?

>> No.1659  

She's got torpedoes.

File: 1241879307220.gif -(206o7k8.gif, 167338 B, 550x404) Click thumbnail image for full size.
167338 Thumbnail of: 206o7k8.gif No.1639   [Reply]

So, rite, anywayz. I was buying some lemons from the store one day and I went to pick up a bag of lemons, but one was already open. So I turned to one of the PERSONS working there and I was like "YO, why are you selling broken lemons?" and he was like "Whoa bitch those aren't my lemons". Then I said "But you work here", so he turned around and said "Not anymore" as he stuffed his pockets with lemons and ran out of the store.

Anyway, I turned back to my bag of lemons, staring at the broken lemon, willing it to be whole again. But then suddenly I see something inside one half of it, like a manifestation of Jesus. I'm like "FUCK. JESUS IS COMMUNICATING WITH ME". So I lift the bag of lemons up higher and move my head in towards it, the image starts to get clearer. It's some girl with yellow teeth smiling and she's telling me she has Aspergers. I'm like "Damn. I don't want no lemons with aspergers!" So I ran out of there like my ass was on fire. Fucking freaky, man.

5 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1652  

Everything is undercontrol. I have tampax.

>> No.1655  

omg the lezzie lemon girl

>> No.4652  
File: 1322843853024.jpg -(coolsis.jpg, 77638 B, 545x434) Click thumbnail image for full size.

File: 1241779560340.jpg -(pU1p3ehaPn7qr6ggKRpheyUio1 1280.jpg, 294196 B, 1280x853) Click thumbnail image for full size.
294196 Thumbnail of: pU1p3ehaPn7qr6ggKRpheyUio1 1280.jpg No.1591   [Reply]

from Grindhouse, played by Electra and Elise Avellan (Robert Rodriguez's nieces)

4 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1640  
File: 1241881751261.jpg -(MV5BMTU3NjM1MDI2NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMzYyNjY1. V1. SX267 SY400 .jpg, 25070 B, 267x400) Click thumbnail image for full size.

>>1631 Yeah, they're twins for real.

>> No.1641  


Do they do porn?

>> No.1643  

>>1640 wow they do look alike, thought some of those pics were in front of mirrors @_@

File: 1239652706614.jpg -(20080617 cameron richardson.jpg, 204010 B, 900x1127) Click thumbnail image for full size.
204010 Thumbnail of: 20080617 cameron richardson.jpg No.1540   [Reply]


6 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1547  
File: 1239653706578.jpg -(mm5.jpg, 79591 B, 990x724) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1562  
File: 1240242217126.jpg -(MV5BMTg1MjIxMTUzNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTQ2NzI2MQ@@. V1. SX311 SY400 .jpg, 23406 B, 311x400) Click thumbnail image for full size.

one more...

>> No.1629  
File: 1241801158661.jpg -(cameron.jpg, 73500 B, 253x400) Click thumbnail image for full size.

File: 1241799132563.jpg -(kannizuki no miko.jpg, 447308 B, 1680x1050) Click thumbnail image for full size.
447308 Thumbnail of: kannizuki no miko.jpg No.1595   [Reply]

If there are any of these I've missed or have better versions upload.. ^^


29 posts and 29 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1626  
File: 1241800458359.jpg -(1209199795999.jpg, 485383 B, 914x516) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1627  
File: 1241800495604.jpg -(1209193995622.jpg, 217247 B, 980x615) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1628  
File: 1241800543059.jpg -(1209193905754.jpg, 547712 B, 1024x576) Click thumbnail image for full size.

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