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File: 1241352679213.jpg -(Lucky Strike-beso.jpg, 169807 B, 716x945) Click thumbnail image for full size.
169807 Thumbnail of: Lucky Strike-beso.jpg No.1579   [Reply]


File: 1236691793312.jpg -(Watchmen TS XVID - STG2.jpg, 38766 B, 688x336) Click thumbnail image for full size.
38766 Thumbnail of: Watchmen TS XVID - STG2.jpg No.1360   [Reply]
2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1363  
File: 1236691913141.jpg -(Watchmen TS XVID - STG10.jpg, 33911 B, 688x336) Click thumbnail image for full size.


>> No.1477  
File: 1238348435474.jpg -(oCuRDxBtblffhgagIZ4vphb3o1 500.jpg, 47238 B, 479x514) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1577  
File: 1241111646307.gif -(SilhouetteKiss.gif, 7085225 B, 500x214) Click thumbnail image for full size.


File: 1240679834365.jpg -(Samus x Zelda Collage by G3rain1.jpg, 3216653 B, 1920x1920) Click thumbnail image for full size.
3216653 Thumbnail of: Samus x Zelda Collage by G3rain1.jpg No.1571   [Reply]

Yay Zelda :D

>> No.1572  

oops that was supposed to reply to the Samus tread..

File: 1240679747282.jpg -(20070927 samus aran.jpg, 204021 B, 800x1200) Click thumbnail image for full size.
204021 Thumbnail of: 20070927 samus aran.jpg No.1569   [Reply]

Well..she rocks!

>> No.1570  
File: 1240679769703.jpg -(Samus Detail by transfuse.jpg, 203278 B, 600x865) Click thumbnail image for full size.

File: 1238448495376.gif -(6o0xhx.gif, 1691024 B, 360x202) Click thumbnail image for full size.
1691024 Thumbnail of: 6o0xhx.gif No.1519   [Reply]

(first pic animooted)

7 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1529  
File: 1238449062905.jpg -(snapshot20090330232106.jpg, 37698 B, 688x384) Click thumbnail image for full size.

All of the boys and all of the girls are beggin to if u seek Amy

>> No.1530  
File: 1238449095837.jpg -(snapshot20090330232117.jpg, 38927 B, 688x384) Click thumbnail image for full size.

Oh oh, tell me have u seen her, cause I'm so oh
I can't get her off of my brain

>> No.1532  
File: 1238449138453.jpg -(snapshot20090330232250.jpg, 40819 B, 688x384) Click thumbnail image for full size.

Hah hah hee hee hah hah hoh

File: 1238406167678.jpg -(234870.1020.A.jpg, 80727 B, 580x869) Click thumbnail image for full size.
80727 Thumbnail of: 234870.1020.A.jpg No.1485   [Reply]


21 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1507  
File: 1238432677044.jpg -(The Fox (1968) 99 7.jpg, 24221 B, 704x400) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1508  
File: 1238432686491.jpg -(The Fox (1968) 99 8.jpg, 13740 B, 704x400) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1509  
File: 1238432692512.jpg -(The Fox (1968) 99 9.jpg, 14673 B, 704x400) Click thumbnail image for full size.

File: 1219584082994.jpg -(FPUPukL851cryt7dDQJsXCE4 500.jpg, 152790 B, 395x500) Click thumbnail image for full size.
152790 Thumbnail of: FPUPukL851cryt7dDQJsXCE4 500.jpg No.525   [Reply]
20 posts and 20 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1318  
File: 1233878459831.jpg -(heldclose.jpg, 108657 B, 800x600) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1319  
File: 1233878524716.jpg -(3037657597 acf03becf8.jpg, 73714 B, 500x333) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1484  
File: 1238351420229.jpg -(6a00d83451b09f69e2011168941b31970c-800wi.jpg, 146247 B, 780x585) Click thumbnail image for full size.

File: 1238085657224.png -(Screenshot.png, 154877 B, 484x268) Click thumbnail image for full size.
154877 Thumbnail of: Screenshot.png No.1458   [Reply]

Still debating if i like this show or not, well haven't seen the ending yet, so... anyways... here are some highlights already, starting with emily and her sister :P

emily x naomi plotline:

8 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1469  
File: 1238086185947.png -(Screenshot-15.png, 148441 B, 486x269) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1470  
File: 1238086238648.png -(Screenshot-16.png, 126665 B, 484x270) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1471  
File: 1238086364230.png -(Screenshot-18.png, 133949 B, 485x270) Click thumbnail image for full size.

kiss clip: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=7BF9E9D27810B653

File: 1237986067117.jpg -(1233028640495.jpg, 70861 B, 800x536) Click thumbnail image for full size.
70861 Thumbnail of: 1233028640495.jpg No.1455   [Reply]
>> No.1456  

lol thats kawaii-nee~

File: 1237976455413.jpg -(7hu2U4T6Cl8h9vf76l4vJ1dKo1 500.jpg, 52619 B, 480x640) Click thumbnail image for full size.
52619 Thumbnail of: 7hu2U4T6Cl8h9vf76l4vJ1dKo1 500.jpg No.1454   [Reply]

idk, i liked the pic :p

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