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File: 1264016431444.jpg -(Cher and Christina Aguilera at the Golden Globes tumblr kwf8veVi6i1qz9qooo1 1280.jpg, 225882 B, 908x1280) Click thumbnail image for full size.
225882 Thumbnail of: Cher and Christina Aguilera at the Golden Globes tumblr kwf8veVi6i1qz9qooo1 1280.jpg No.2975   [Reply]

File: 1264012111623.gif -(heroes 2djv2nn.gif, 1414359 B, 250x124) Click thumbnail image for full size.
1414359 Thumbnail of: heroes 2djv2nn.gif No.2907   [Reply]


File: 1264011991969.jpg -(Pretty Woman tumblr kujpilMSjN1qz9qooo1 1280.jpg, 306763 B, 860x1280) Click thumbnail image for full size.
306763 Thumbnail of: Pretty Woman tumblr kujpilMSjN1qz9qooo1 1280.jpg No.2905   [Reply]

File: 1264011442297.jpg -(joss stone kissBIG1605 800x608.jpg, 62784 B, 800x608) Click thumbnail image for full size.
62784 Thumbnail of: joss stone kissBIG1605 800x608.jpg No.2902   [Reply]

File: 1263143241947.jpg -(4b47a15e0b31d.jpg, 377241 B, 679x1024) Click thumbnail image for full size.
377241 Thumbnail of: 4b47a15e0b31d.jpg No.2866   [Reply]

i just found this website, i was looking up pics from If These Walls Could Talk 2 and one led me here. I'm surprised! I'm a frequenter of 4chan and a bit of a /b/tard, but I never heard of lchan. Haha so you'll see me around :)

>> No.2868  

Hi! XD

>> No.2895  

Inorite, I never imagined I'd find an lchan.

File: 1263657333040.jpg -(sandra-bullock-meryl-streep-kiss.jpg, 15596 B, 320x180) Click thumbnail image for full size.
15596 Thumbnail of: sandra-bullock-meryl-streep-kiss.jpg No.2894   [Reply]

File: 1263316946408.jpg -(fuckyeahhipsterkitty tumblr kuesqfEys11qawdt5o1 500.jpg, 109075 B, 407x405) Click thumbnail image for full size.
109075 Thumbnail of: fuckyeahhipsterkitty tumblr kuesqfEys11qawdt5o1 500.jpg No.2880   [Reply]

File: 1263110456631.jpg -(Lindsay Lohan and Sofia Boutella photographed by Yu Tsai for Muse Magazine, Dec 2009 tumblr kue4zyOjyI1qz9qooo1 1280.jpg, 80839 B, 1280x719) Click thumbnail image for full size.
80839 Thumbnail of: Lindsay Lohan and Sofia Boutella photographed by Yu Tsai for Muse Magazine, Dec 2009 tumblr kue4zyOjyI1qz9qooo1 1280.jpg No.2843   [Reply]
>> No.2844  
File: 1263110465277.jpg -(Lohan muse.jpg, 82450 B, 580x408) Click thumbnail image for full size.

File: 1233372062975.jpg -(7971e4ce2f lohan 0123.jpg, 64402 B, 315x275) Click thumbnail image for full size.
64402 Thumbnail of: 7971e4ce2f lohan 0123.jpg No.1285   [Reply]
17 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1345  
File: 1236003932830.jpg -(122714.jpg, 31848 B, 440x716) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1346  
File: 1236003941237.jpg -(122691.jpg, 33628 B, 440x669) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.2857  
File: 1263111395737.jpg -(Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson tumblr kvuz70crEG1qz9qoo.jpg, 47672 B, 451x800) Click thumbnail image for full size.

File: 1263106711626.jpg -(The Breakfast Club tumblr kvxpzlgTI91qzoaqio1 1280.jpg, 354040 B, 1280x899) Click thumbnail image for full size.
354040 Thumbnail of: The Breakfast Club tumblr kvxpzlgTI91qzoaqio1 1280.jpg No.2827   [Reply]

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