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~ Is it live, or is it Memorex? ~

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File: 1298297350005.jpg -(THE LOLTASTIC FUR -- insane animals super hero team group shot penguin squirrel deadpool aardvark lolcats dog tagod -- with revised squirrelpool -- concept 2.jpg, 1001345 B, 1600x1206) Click thumbnail image for full size.
1001345 Thumbnail of: THE LOLTASTIC FUR -- insane animals super hero team group shot penguin squirrel deadpool aardvark lolcats dog tagod -- with revised squirrelpool -- concept 2.jpg No.3704  

*The LolTastic Fur"
1) Pengtaro
*gentleman-like; polite to a fault; tends to apologize incessantly; british; ironic reluctance to resort to fisticuffs
*4arms and super strength; is gigantic; able to use his arms for moving himself about in manners that give him agility and speed comparable to "Beast from X-men" and also to best use his clawed feet to do battle

2) Dogata
*female hero; is mostly a pacifist; empathetic to the point of occasional naivete; is somewhat perky; talks in lolcat speak; has personality characteristics and even inner personality conflicts from being half-dog and half-cat; almost always walks on four feet
*telekinesis; flight; eye lasers which though usable only intermittently and non-lethal, are powerful enough to cook a cheeseburger in moments

3)"Stretch Aardvark", aka, "Aardvark NoPants"; aka "Stretch"; aka "NoPants"
*scientific genius; snooty & somewhat arrogant and aloof; superior analytical mind; walking encyclopedia of knowledge; takes great pride in not wearing pants and occasionally looks down upon those that do
*superior level of knowledge and intelligence often utilized to the team's benefit; is able to contort self in the same manners as Mr.Fantastic/PlasticMan; high-level of durability comparable to that of car-door plastic

*is usually the leader and protagonist of the team's adventures
*big by squirrel standards; small by most any other standard
*very, very talkative to the point of extreme annoyance in friends and enemies alike; is a meme addict; ideas, ever-present sense of humor, and style of thinking make those around him regard him simultaneously as a weirdo, freak, comedic genius, hyperactive-schoolboy/hyperactive squirrel, and as completely insane; tends to talk to himself a lot; tends to break the 4th wall a lot; tends to chase skirts a lot; tends to get slapped by women a lot; though chaotic in his methods and mannerisms, is nevertheless deeply heroic and courageous at his core
*able to recover from almost any injury including even decapitation if he remains inactive for a number of hours, paradoxically, has a low threshold for ability to tolerate pain; squirrel-like agility; ninja-like fighting abilities; squirrel-themed weapons and gadgetry including (1)twin knives (well, they're sword-sized for him) that resemble stiff,long squirrels wherein on either of his blades the hilts resemble the body of a squirrel and the blades resemble the tails of a squirrel, (2)pair of comedicily shaped guns that fire acorn-themed ordinance including rapid-fire acorns which pack the punch of b.b. gunfire or even rubber bullets, miniature plastic-explosive acorns which pack the punch of cherry-bombs, miniature-gas grenade acorns which cause fits of laughter & stupidity in their targets, (3)buck-teeth grappling-hook gun that has a grappling-end reminiscent of a squirrel's buck-teeth

*the stories might be regarded as a mosh-up of Family Guy/South Park/Invader Zim/Rescue Rangers/The Simpsons/Penny-Arcade/Stroker&Hoop/4chan/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Earthworm Jim/Freakazoid
*target audience ought be regarded as identical to that of Stroker&Hoop/Adult-Swim
*super hero action comedy
*replete with REAL action which encompass high stakes and formidable (rather than token) threats to the heroes
*comic style super-villains which are animal and non-animal alike including 'cyber-gophers' which operate with a hive-mind; monkey travelling circus which is secretly a society of parkour-trained assassins that eat cheese; magic-using evil sorceress unicorn with a British accent; fanatical-Communist black bear from Russia outfitted with (Ironman-like) battle armor; insane, giant-sword wielding gigantic argyle ram-sheep that wears a kilt and talks with a Scottish accent; Libertarian/Anarachist jackrabbit with a Texas accent and a penchant for six-shooter shooting and blowing up stuff especially governmental structures; lady Chinese giant-panda who, with aid from her male-peacock henchmen, is hellbent on destroying the fashion industry for its impossibly high standards of beauty; etc.
*action sequences frequently include boss-battles
*replete with running-gags and meme-humor
*LOTS of swearing; dirty jokes; suggestive humor...trademark swearword-phrase is "MOTHER OF PHUCK" with the "phu" bleeped out
*periodic song-and-dance numbers
*frequent left-leaning political jokes
*unlike a number of the shows mentioned above... the stories DO contain definite story-structure; the stories DO make sense; the stories DO have definitive plots including beginnings, middles, and satisfactory (rather than stupid/nonsensical/rushed-together/ or otherwise lacking) endings
*heavy PG-13/light Rated-R thematics

*their first (basically "main" nemesis) is the unicorn sorceress with a plan to takeover England by using magic to make all the country's toffee taste like "carrots", which, after eaten, will cause a transformation in its victims as soon as they hear elevator music: they turn into idiots with no sense of humor that only want to do crochet and obey the sorceress whom they've fallen in love with due to her giant boobs...the cure is the music of "Mick Jetley" which the sorceress hates so much that it'll cause her "mind-control" amulet to shatter thus stopping toffee from tasting like carrots, and cause the sorceress herself to convulse into unconsciousness allowing the LOLTASTIC FUR to capture her; then its only a matter of "Mick Bowling" the rest of England by sending them spam-emails with embedded video-links

*the LOLTASTIC FUR's theme-music will be "Hot Limit"

>> No.3706  
File: 1298349612814.jpg -(sZRqR.jpg, 119540 B, 720x540) Click thumbnail image for full size.

y0, waddaup.. room for one more?

>> No.3707  

Wouldn't be any point...
You already have your own music video!


>> No.3708  

u kno dat aint me.. he b frontin, all animated and shit, frill.. hop-d dunt need y0 freak ass mofukas anyway, peace v(--_--)

>> No.3735  
File: 1299649729665.jpg -(1299644447581.jpg, 46101 B, 400x477) Click thumbnail image for full size.

animals are extreme.

>> No.3736  
File: 1299649853761.png -(spiderman black cat wallpaper 1299596804202.png, 528859 B, 1900x1000) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.3737  
File: 1299649870102.jpg -(1299593389460.jpg, 112329 B, 800x452) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.3738  
File: 1299649921015.jpg -(leia enslaved wip.jpg, 123922 B, 547x864) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.3739  
File: 1299650005903.gif -(animated deal with it lolcats puts on sunglasses shades 1299569453010.gif, 1041561 B, 258x148) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.3740  
File: 1299650092873.png -(1299553461482.png, 348245 B, 1387x783) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.3741  
File: 1299650181805.jpg -(simon belmont castlevania armbirds--third variant maybe.jpg, 166706 B, 1113x460) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.3742  

I lol'd :D

Just another day and then we'll see if the board is ok with random content

>> No.3744  
File: 1299738761751.jpg -(raptor dinosaur hat french maid monocle tea party picnic comic 1294165467984.jpg, 66879 B, 679x675) Click thumbnail image for full size.

looks like we're cleared!

♥♥♥ for Lchan!

>> No.3745  

who wouldnt chill for a tea party :D

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