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~ What would Reagan do? ~

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File: 1232976640485.jpg -(Legend of the Seeker S01E10 HDTV XviD-NoTV1.jpg, 35253 B, 624x352) Click thumbnail image for full size.
35253 Thumbnail of: Legend of the Seeker S01E10 HDTV XviD-NoTV1.jpg No.1250  
>> No.1251  
File: 1232976656831.jpg -(Legend of the Seeker S01E10 HDTV XviD-NoTV2.jpg, 26225 B, 624x352) Click thumbnail image for full size.

spoiler: sretsis era sretcarahc eht

>> No.1252  
File: 1232976666441.jpg -(Legend of the Seeker S01E10 HDTV XviD-NoTV3.jpg, 40714 B, 624x352) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1253  
File: 1232976674964.jpg -(Legend of the Seeker S01E10 HDTV XviD-NoTV5.jpg, 33027 B, 624x352) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1254  
File: 1232976681938.jpg -(Legend of the Seeker S01E10 HDTV XviD-NoTV6.jpg, 19833 B, 624x352) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1255  
File: 1232976703003.jpg -(Legend of the Seeker S01E10 HDTV XviD-NoTV7.jpg, 33084 B, 624x352) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1256  
File: 1232976710321.jpg -(Legend of the Seeker S01E10 HDTV XviD-NoTV8.jpg, 35336 B, 624x352) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1257  
File: 1232976717188.jpg -(Legend of the Seeker S01E10 HDTV XviD-NoTV9.jpg, 34516 B, 624x352) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1258  
File: 1232976727754.jpg -(Legend of the Seeker S01E10 HDTV XviD-NoTV10.jpg, 31321 B, 624x352) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>> No.1259  


She looks a bit like Ellen Page there.
Should I be watching this TV show or just youtubing the good parts..?

>> No.1260  

downloading now... :p

>> No.1262  

Hehehe, it's a very nice show, but not very lesbionic, really. From the creators of Xena though!

>> No.1269  

It does have a lot of nice girlfights tho, the main actress kicks ass. :D

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