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~ Read Or Die ~

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File: 1321973294610.jpg -(1307342643095.jpeg, 65423 B, 540x720) Click thumbnail image for full size.
65423 Thumbnail of: 1307342643095.jpeg No.4646  

ITT: Actual stories from real lesbians.

>walk down street all dikey
>run into sarah
>yo, sarah! you big crazy lesbo
>sarah whips out tittie and asks me to indulge her
>she said I was good but also gave me some pointers
>go get heads shaved together and she gives me a happy ending with her gauged ears.
>> No.4653  
File: 1322992372264.jpg -(1e85b4ca959a7601d21288470fef695a.jpg, 33711 B, 713x567) Click thumbnail image for full size.

re topic: yes
re story: Unreal2.0

>> No.4659  
>Random anon stealthily approaches, sticks some locks in her gauged ears, and runs off.
>> No.4698  
File: 1327736973129.jpg -(t1E1I.jpg, 27563 B, 640x480) Click thumbnail image for full size.
>>Be 15, recently came out
>>Walking down the street with lady killing male buddy.
>>Girl drives past, checkin' him out.
>>Girl nearly crashes into high curb
>>joke about it for a week among friend folk
>>Attend party that weekend, don't know anyone but friend who invited me
>>friend is freaking out
>>girl is there, knows my friend
>>girl was checking me out, not ladykiller
>>too shy, blew it

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